Contract Law
SD Law Firö Antalya has been operating successfully and effectively for a long time in the field of Law of Obligations which deals with and regulates the relations of contracts and obligations between the parties. By blending its momentous experience in this field and dynamism, SD Law Firm Antalya, and the owners Lawyer Sabire Altun Terlemez and Davut Terlemez provide comprehensive and result-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to clients. The services SD Law Firm Antalya offers clients regarding the Law of Contracts and Obligations in Antalya (Alanya,Kemer, Kaş, Manavgat etc.)
SD Law Firm Antalya prepares a contract following the provisions of the law of obligations in contract law cases. Legal consultancy, litigation, follow-up services regarding tortious acts, claims for pecuniary and moral damages arising from contracts or tortious acts, cancellation of contracts, withdrawal from contract, default, assignment of receivables, transfer of debt, legal consultancy services on issues such as transfer of business, merger, and transformation of businesses, general principles constituting the law of obligations, contracts, conclusion of the contract, offer and acceptance, capacity to make a contract, essential and non-essential error, fraud, threat, breach, contractual obligations, freedom of contract, limitation of this freedom in the face of public order and mandatory provisions, general transaction conditions, the concept of debt, full debt and incomplete debt, assignment of the right to claim and transfer of debt, impossibility situations, termination, cancellation of the contract unilaterally or bilaterally professionally.
As explained above, SD Law Firm Antalya provides consultancy services regarding the basic concepts and issues of the Law of Obligations and legal services in cases related to receivables, pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages, lease agreements, rental receivables, rental determination and eviction, unjust enrichment, collusive transactions, surety, remittance, and guarantee contract, and consultancy and advocacy.